St. Francis of the Sacred Heart Council #14091
The Knights of Columbus are a group of Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, with a mission of serving the needs of others through the love of Christ. A Knight is a man committed to his community, his family and his Church. We believe that when such a man lives a life of faith and generosity, defines his actions as a follower of God, and a leader in his community, he is more than simply a man. He is a "Knight".
St. Francis of the Sacred Heart Council #14091 was instituted on June 22nd, 2006. The Council bears the names of both Saint Francis of Assisi, the Patron of our beloved Franciscan Friars as well as the name of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus that our parish holds most high. As a member of a Knights of Columbus Council the Knights serve the parish as well as the local community with the support of a fraternity of brothers who share a common faith, family values, and desire to live with purpose. To learn more contact us at
For more information please click here to visit our web site.
To join the Knights of Columbus Council #14091 please visit: Knights of Columbus Membership
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